Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Quick One!

Just a quick update on the day...

I spent the morning up at SJDA, working with the students who have signed up for some "Project-Based Learning", and we had a productive morning. You can follow the progress of the newly created St Andrews Festival Fundraiser called "Rock 'n' Ride, at sjda-racefordignity.blogspot.com

After lunch I went out to the end of Bar Road, and did a painting of the view to the north. As can be seen, we had another mild day, grey skies, but good light. The mountain with the tower is Greenlaw Mtn, next in line is Chamcook Mtn and then Grimmers Mtn fades off to the right.

I got in a 10km ski in the late afternoon, but the trails are breaking down quickly at this point. I'll be lucky to get a couple more days in... bummer!

Canada plays Germany tonight. Boring!

Good night for early bed.


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