Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Poof!!! Another summer gone!!
So where did July go? I can't believe how fast this summer is going. And the weather this last month has been terrible - never seen so much rain. Despite all that, there have been some high points... here it goes!
The first couple of weeks of July were split between painting at the studio, and an outdoor rec course I led at Sunbury Shores Arts & Nature Centre. The class involved full days of mountain biking, hiking, kayaking, and climbing. Everyone made it out alive, and lived to tell the tale.
Then there was the pool. We put a little pool in; and with it came a fence, deck, landscaping, planters, plants, and pretty much an entire re-design of the backyard and poof - another 2 weeks gone.

It is the best thing we've done for ourselves in a long time.

We had some nice visits from friends and family that allowed me to play tour guide a bit (I like that), and we all took a bit of time to enjoy a few meals, sunsets, and glasses of wine in good company.

I have also started a new mural in town. It depicts the 1604 landing of explorer Champlain on St Croix Island. I've made some progress, and am now waiting on paint before any more gets done.

The response so far has been favorable.

All work and no play makes Geoff a dull boy, and I've been playing lots, despite the weather (and a bad knee....that I don't want to think about). Been doing a lot of riding, and things are only this last week starting to dry out.

What a mudfest it has been on the east coast this year. One memorable ride we did with the off-kilter boys was in Fog City (Saint John). We were riding in such a downpour that by the end of the ride we almost had to stop and walk because we couldn't see anymore. You couldn't tell where the sky and ground met. Very rainforest!

My health has been great, and the rest of the family is happy and strong; my wish is the same for all...


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

No Time and Off-Kilter

What a crazy month! I've been pulled in many directions this past month, and am just now starting to see some results from my efforts. Most of my time has been chewed up in three different areas: the trails; commissioned art; bikes.


I've been building trails for a number of years, but this year I've had some unexpected help. The town of St. Andrews has provided manpower, tools, and funding to put a big push on so all the trails can be linked together in the area. This gives us 20 km of trails within the town limits... pretty cool! It has eaten into my "creative" time, but it has been worth it.

Commissioned Art

Also this month I've had a number of commissions to get done. Two were "art piece signage" for some new businesses to town. Both took more time than expected because of the damp weather we have been having. (It just has taken forever for things to dry). I also have two new murals to paint in town. One is a historic piece depicting the landing of French Explorers on St Croix Island. The other will be smaller; a subtle little art piece on a fence between two buildings downtown. I'm using Hank (Andrea's Dad) as the focal point... a man leaning on a rail in an alley. I'm looking forward to better weather to start both.


I've been riding lots, and so has everyone else. Unfortunately, the basement has been full all month of bike repairs. My "fix everyones' bike for free" policy is starting to wear a little thin. I think some are taking advantage of a good thing. I'm going to think on it a bit, but I may have to start charging something. It is really cutting into my time.
Something fun that is bike-related that happened this month... Off-Kilter. I started a MTB club that wears kilts! I've designed a mountain bike kilt that is made by a master kilt-maker right here in town. It is in the New Brunswick tartan, and is worn over bike shorts. The membership is growing already; soon everyone on a mountain bike in St Andrews will be Off-Kilter!

Fight the good fight...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Outdoor Adventure

So for the last couple of years I have been going over to Deer Island to help Tim Stuart, principal at the Deer Island Community School, with an outdoor leadership program he does with his grade 8's every year.

We camp at "Camp Respect", a Christian Camp on the south side of the island that overlooks beautiful Passamoquoddy Bay.

This year we played capture the flag, swam in the ocean (brrrrrr), slept under the stars; as well as the usual canoe-kayak and mountain biking activities.

Perfect weather, great food, and lively grade 8's made for a fun time had by all!

Looking forward to next year... good luck at Fundy High , class of 2009!


Friday, April 24, 2009


It has been a great couple of days weather-wise in these parts; the sun has been good for the soul!

So a couple of things to update everyone on... I have finished my painting "The Bike Mechanic", and have it all framed and ready to go. This weekend I will build a crate, and then it heads south.

The next piece will be the same size, and will be a self portrait called "Preparing For An Epic". I'll be starting that one next week.

The second thing is that the woods are clear of snow! All the trails around here are accessable now, if not a little greasy! I put some time in, yesterday and today, up on Mt Greenlaw and Mt Chamcook. The trails all held up well through the winter, and are in near perfect condition. The time I put in on the bike this winter has paid off - all the climbs were comfortable middle-ringers!

Had an art opening tonight at Sunbury Shores for the teachers... I had 7 pieces displayed. We all walked down, as it was a beautiful evening.

That's all for now...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Creative Process

My biggest struggle in life has always been balance. I know that I'm at my best when I have a nice mix of things going on. One huge piece of the "balance" puzzle for me is mountain biking. It stimulates me both physically, and visually. This helps me keep my mind clear refreshed and focused for my art.

This last week I was finally able to put in some decent miles on the trails, and boy, does that feel great! They are a bit soggy this time of year, and need a bit of clean-up, but the snow is finally gone. I'm hoping to get the riding group out soon, and will post some pictures when I do.

I had a nice visit from my cousin Stew this last week. He is an organic farmer from Southern Ontario, and we grew up together. I introduced him to Honey Beans Coffee, and took him on a tour of our area. His knowledge of "all things to do with food" was incredible. If you want to know about food - talk to a farmer... kind of makes sense, eh?

Anyway, I am almost done "The Bike Mechanic". I'll complete the painting tomorrow, and have already started to prepare the frame for it. It is a strong piece, and sets a good tone for this new series of paintings.

Thats all for now...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

"The Bike Mechanic" Progress

I am making slow progress on this new painting.

I was hoping to be done my portrait of Ryan by now, but some things have come up.
The biggest time-stealer was the painting of a sign for a friend who is opening a new restaurant in town. Time was tight, so it couldn't wait.

What I have accomplished, I'm pleased with. It is a good solid start to this new direction in my work. ( All things mountain biking!!)

I have been back on the bike, but mostly on the road. There is still too much snow in the dark spots of the woods. All of the mountains are still covered on the north side, and the trails are pretty much impassable. The other day I tried to bust open a section of the rail line pass, north of Chamcook Mountain, and ended up doing a 5 mile hike-a-bike through knee deep slush... not nice!! It looks like the south side of the mountains are melted, however. I'm going to try to get up Mount Greenlaw in the morning. If I make it, I'll post some pictures.

Thats all for now!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Summer Studio

After a little bit of cabin fever, the temperatures have been warm enough to work in my studio on the ocean! I am always far more productive when working there.
I'm very excited about the new direction that I'm taking my line paintings in; so excited, in fact, that it is hard to sit still long enough to work on them! I can't wait for the trails around here to be rideable; I sure need to burn off some of this restless energy.
I haven't looked at this blog in a while, because I have been trying to come to terms with a death in my family. When my head is in a better place, I'll comment more on that. I would like to thank so many family and friends for being there for all of us through this time. We love you all and appreciate you all very much.
As for now, getting back to work has been the best thing for me. I'll post my progress here!
And just so you know Ryan (down there in sunny Tallahassee), you're my first subject matter.
Peace all

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Crohn’s Story

Let me tell you a bit about myself.

I am a Canadian artist who created a style of painting never before seen in the world. It is called Line Painting, and if art is your thing, give it a Google. In the ‘art scene’, it is what I am known for. I also paint public murals in my hometown of St Andrews, and along with my wife, have a successful studio and gallery. We now have a 4-month-old daughter.

For balance, I love sports, and am super-active at many levels within my community. My favorite personal pastime these days is mountain biking. I am now riding at the expert-class level, and train about 15 hrs a week to maintain that level of fitness.

If I sound like I’m bragging a bit, I am. I’m proud of my accomplishments, and love my family, and the lifestyle we have created for ourselves.

That is why when I found out I had Crohn’s, I thought my life was over.

I am 39 years old and was diagnosed with Crohn’s in 2004. I became very sick very suddenly, although, looking back, for years prior to my diagnosis, I was “not quite right”. My first Crohn's symptoms began with a tooth problem. An abscess tooth led to large doses of antibiotics. I had no idea how harmful this was to my intestinal flora. It wasn't long before I had a food poisoning, and my imbalance was complete; I was in the vicious cycle. It came and went mildly, at first, but after half a year of on again, off again symptoms, I went for a colonoscopy. I was told I had Crohn's. I am an active, athletic guy, so when I was diagnosed, and told there was no cure, I really felt it was a death sentence.

In the beginning, I followed the advice of my doctors. I ended up on heavier and heavier doses of medication, including immunosuppressants, and became sicker and sicker. My wife searched frantically for any information she could find about the disease. She heard an interview with Lucy Rossett who claimed to have cured herself by following a diet called the specific carbohydrate diet.

My wife tracked down Lucy online and called her to speak with her. She also tracked down Elaine Gottschall and phoned her. Both women told my wife that I could be cured. Although the doctors told me (over and over again) that my illness had nothing to do with diet, these two women insisted that it did. The premise is that Crohn’s sufferers have an imbalance of intestinal flora and by removing foods that feed “bad” bacteria; you can heal your gut.

All of this convinced me to try the diet and it literally saved my life. I haven’t had a flare since August 2006. I consider myself cured – which is amazing considering how sick I was. When I was sick I experienced extreme weight loss (20 –40 pounds each flare), extreme arthritic pain, anal fissures, an anal fistula, cramping and diarrhea (up to 20 times a day). I experienced 4 bad flares after finding out I had Crohn's, and all of them happened after having my teeth cleaned at the dentist. Considering how things began for me ( with an abscess tooth ), this was no coincidence. I cut out all dental visits.

However, today I am the healthiest I have ever been ( and my teeth have never been better!)

The diet does take time and there were definitely set-backs along the way. For me, sometimes it was very difficult to continue on the diet. I had to be rushed to the hospital twice within the first year of being on the SCD—once for an anal fistula ( with life-threatening infection), and again for arthritic pain throughout my body so severe, I could not breath. Through both hospital visits, Andrea brought SCD food from home, so I could maintain the diet. Her love and support made a huge difference.

I also had to slowly reduce all the medication the doctors had me on; you can’t just stop that sort of thing.

Doctors had me on:
  • 4000 mg of Salofalk per day
  • 40-60mg of prednisone per day
  • Imuran (various doses at different times)
  • Flagyl (various doses at different times)
  • Keflex (various doses at different times)
  • Cipro (various doses at different times)
  • Antispasmodic meds (various doses at different times)
  • 9mg Entocort per day
  • Morphine (various doses at different times)
Today, I’m medication free. Also, my fistula has healed—completely. Even the surgeon is amazed.

Many people were very encouraging to me when we started out on this. One of those people was Elaine herself. She told me that if I had some sort of relief within the first month of starting the diet, then the diet would work for me. She said that if the diarrhea and cramping became less, those were the small signs to look for. It is not uncommon for there to be some complications during the initial die off of bacteria. Also, many people experience a nasty set-back (another bacteria die off) at the 3 to 4 month stage. I did. This often discourages people but if they stick with the diet things will improve.

This is the advice Elaine gave me before she passed away:

1.If you do the SCD, do it completely. Do not stray, no matter what.
2.If you experience success on the SCD during the first few weeks, then it will work for you. Be patient.
3.Expect setbacks during the healing process. Healing takes time. Do not be discouraged.
4.If you eat foods that aggravate – then do not eat them, even if they are “legal”.
5.If you require medical intervention, then take it. (my anal fistula, for instance).
6.Sometimes you will require heavier forms of medication to pull you out of a flare.
7.Don’t throw away your medication until you are well on the way to healing.
8.Have patience, it will get better.

I have been symptom free for 2 years now, and considered myself cured. Many great things have happened since finding the SCD. The greatest, of course, is the new addition to my family. Andrea and I have been married for 11 years and have always wanted a child. Despite our “best efforts”, we just didn’t think it was something that would happen for us. Turns out, as soon I got well, Andrea was pregnant! This I attribute solely to the SCD.

I have never been more productive artistically. The clarity with which by mind and body are functioning is nothing short of amazing. In the last couple of years I have created many world-class murals, and launched a large exhibition at a public arts centre. On top of that, I create work every year for our studio. I also am an art instructor at a public gallery.

Athletically, I have never been stronger. The anti-inflammatory nature of the SCD allows me to recover from hard efforts quicker that ever before, and the nutrition the body receives from a well-balanced SCD diet is second-to-none. Many athletes, seeing the results I’ve had, have taken up SCD for its recuperative health benefits; athletes that think I have an edge over them being on the diet.( how about that!!) A bike shop in Florida is even looking into starting a SCD friendly restaurant attached to the shop, so riders can get healthy, anti-inflammatory meals.

My goals at this point are simple. I want to live a long, productive, and healthy life. I want to exist at as high a level athletically as I can, for as long as I can. Thanks to the SCD, I’m on that path. Had I not got sick when I did, who knows what illness may have fallen on my lap, eating a diet high in refined wheat, sugar and processed crap. Both my father, and my father’s brother died of renal cancer (at 39 and 45 years of age respectively), as a direct result of what they exposed themselves to, both internally and externally. Could this have been my fate as well? You bet it could have. I was on that path. Getting Crohn’s forced me to take my health into my own hands. It went from the abstract to reality. I know more about my body, and what I put in it than I ever would have had I not been sick, and in a strange but very real way, I’m thankful for it.
I am also now a fantastic cook!

I plan on introducing more complex carbs in a few months, like whole grain rice, and potatoes. I’ll see how that goes. I’ll never return to a diet high in refined grains and sugars and processed foods. My reasons are simple: since my little brush with mortality, I now realize how precious life is, that I only have this 1 body; one kick at the can – so to speak! I think my daughter and wife deserve to have me around awhile longer yet!

Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going biking!

Geoff Slater

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Jan's Pea Soup (SCD Friendly)

This is a soup from the 'old country'!!


2 packages of dry split green peas (soaked overnight - see below)
2 cups of chopped carrots
2 cups of chopped onions
2 cups of chopped celery
2 cups of chopped broccoli
1 package of sugar free low salt bacon

The Peas

To prepare the peas, soak them overnight. In the morning, boil the peas for 1 hour in a large pot (2 gallon).The water should fill the pot to 3/4. Remove the thick foamy 'scum' from the top as they boil.

The Soup

Add all veggies to the boiled peas and water. Add 3 strips of bacon on the top with some salt and pepper. Turn stove to medium heat, and let cook for two hours. Remove the bacon strips.

The Bacon

Cook the rest of the bacon until crispy enough to break into bacon bits. Add two large spoonfuls of bacon grease to the soup. Mix soup with hand-mixer until the peas and veggies break up. Add salt and pepper to taste.


Serve soup with bacon bits on top!

Recipe copyright Geoff Slater

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Superbowl Ride On St George Island

I thought that turning out a few 'intervals' before the game might be a good idea, so I took off this morning for a ride out to the park on the end of the island.

I left the knobbies on to take in the sandy trails of the State Park; you would never get anywhere on road tires!

The first 10 km I cruised at a 3/4 effort pace to warm up; this took me to the gates of the park, where I fumbled around in my pockets to find the dollar bill that gets you in. Once that was done, the interval work began.

I do intervals on or off road, about twice a week. They drastically increase your 'horsepower' if you are honest with yourself about what is 100% effort. They give me the 'gas in the tank' on the trail to put in hard efforts when I need to, and then recover quickly. Today they went like this...

From the gates of the park to the campground trails is about 6 km. During this time, I ride 30 second intervals that alternate between 100% max effort, and half effort spinning. You start out strong, but trust me, half way through it becomes mental. This is where it is important to stay the course if you want to see improvement.

When I got to the campground, I took a break from the intervals, and cruised the sandy trails of the park.

The 10km out-and-back trail system isn't as easy as it sounds. It is all loose sand, and requires some power in spots to keep moving. It is a nice mix of tall pines with dense underbrush. A lot of 'birders' take these trails at a walk, and are usually pissed when you come up on them. They are never a very happy lot!

Back in the campground, it's a spin passed the campers to the main road, and then more intervals until the park gates. From there, it is a nice 3/4 effort spin for the last 10 km back home.

Make sure that you give the body time to recover after hard efforts like intervals. Remember that rest is an equal partner with effort, on the trail to getting stronger!

Game on...


Superbowl Wings (SCD Friendly)

Wings are a must for the Superbowl. Here is how to make them SCD friendly!!

You need:

Chicken wings or drumsticks (fresh, not spiced)
Baking tray
Tomato juice

The Wings

Bake wings on tray in oven at 390 degrees until crispy and brown. (about 20 minutes)

Honey garlic sauce

Chop 4 cloves of garlic and 1 onion into small pieces. Cook on stove with some salt and pepper until it starts to brown. Reduce heat to low, then add i cup of honey. Let simmer for 2 minutes, then remove and let cool. Serve in dipping dish.

Barbecue Sauce

Reduce 1 can (10 fl oz) tomato juice, 4 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, salt and pepper it the microwave until thick. Add Tabasco to taste. Let cool. Serve in a dipping dish.

You can serve wings in two ways. Mix them together with the sauce of choice... or dip the wings one at a time.



Recipe copyright Geoff Slater

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Higher Ground Cookie

Every great cookie needs a great name! These cookies are SCD friendly if the chocolate is NOT put in. (if you are following SCD ....no chocolate!). For those of you who have been symptom free for 2 years or more, or for those who are just looking for a great grain-free (anti-inflammatory) cookie, this is it!

Gather up:
2 cups of ground almond flour
1 cup of chopped pecans
1 cube of unsweetened bakers chocolate (optional)
1 quarter pound of butter
1 third cup of honey

In a bowl, mix together butter and honey until soft.
Mix in nuts; mixture should look slightly crumbly, but make a ball when pressed together in your palm.

Chop up chocolate cube, and add to mixture. (optional)

Using a tablespoon, scoop out half-moon balls of cookie mixture and place on a baking tray covered with parchment paper.

Bake in oven at 310 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes.
Remove when bottom of cookie starts to brown.

Let cool before eating.

I like to store these cookies in a tin in the freezer; but they will store fine at room temperature.

Happy eats.


Copyright Geoff Slater

Friday, January 30, 2009

Cheese Taco (SCD Friendly)

These are the world's best tacos.

Let's get started...

The Taco

You need:
2 packages of Sargento Baby Swiss Cheese (makes 8 tacos)
parchment paper
baking pan
broom handle

Place parchment paper on pan.
Place cheese slices on paper; 2 slices make 1 taco.

Overlap about 1 inch (see picture).
Bake in oven at 350 degrees until crispy, but still flexible.
(tip; if cheese gives off a lot of oil while cooking, dab off with a paper towl as they cook).

Remove from oven, and drape them over the 'parchment paper covered' broom handle.

Dab off remaining oil, and allow to cool.
Place on plate in freezer until chow time!


You need:
tomato juice
2 tomatoes
red and green peppers
1 onion
1 garlic clove
tobasco sauce

In a bowl reduce a small can of tomato juice in the microwave (approx. 10 minutes).

Dice the veggies into salsa-size pieces.
In a frying pan, cook onion, garlic, and peppers until they start to brown.
Add cooked veggies, and uncooked diced tomatoes to the reduced tomato sauce.
Add tobasco, salt, and pepper to taste.

The Meat
I use ground chicken for tacos instead of beef. (personal taste!)

Cook your meat in a pan until brown. I usually just cook it with water; when it looks like it is drying out, I add a bit more.

The Rest

I usually grate some cheddar cheese, dice some tomatoes, and shred up some lettuce to fill the tacos with.
I also use SCD friendly yogurt (yogurt that has fermented 24 hrs) instead of sour cream.
If you are not on the SCD, feel free to use sour cream.

Remove taco shells from freezer and let them warm up a bit (5 min. at room temp.) before eating.

Have fun chowing....I did.

Recipe copyright Geoff Slater